Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 60 Code Over Ride.

Yuri jumped down from the arena and dropped anchor outside the arena where Orland and the shadow wolves were positioned.",

"What are you doing here?" Yuri raised a question as she wandered toward Orland.",

"Lady Yuri, good to see you, I\'m fully aware of the situation and here to help." Orland voiced out with his head narrowly bowed and his left hand on the right side of his chest.",


Davanchi disembarked on the ground right beside Yuri.",

"Did Lord Sato summon you?" Davanchi asked.",

"Yes he did," Orland answered back, "Lord Sato appointed me the duty of leading the Shadow wolves, this was the only reason why I was able to locate where Elena was being held".",

"You know where she is?" Yuri grabbed Orland\'s arm and yanked him close as she shouted.",

"A few meters south from here, right under the orcs\' trees is where Elena is being detained. I would have gotten her myself but she\'s not the only one there." Orland informed",

She positioned her hand on her left shoulder and began massaging it with a smile, "Alright then, we know where she is, let\'s go barge the place." Davanchi voiced out.",

"I believe that\'s the plan." Orland uttered.",

Yuri was subtle for a while, she was skimming at the ground before she focused on the arena that was reverberating with the noise of the audience cheering.",

"I\'m not going along with you, I\'m staying right here." Yuri said, looking at Davanchi as she spoke.",

"What do you…"",

"If push comes to shove and master gets in trouble I want to be here to make sure I protect him." Yuri broke in before Davanchi could finish talking.",

With a sigh, Davanchi began walking, "I agree with that, good luck." She said, waving her hands as she walked.",

Orland and Davanchi pursued the Shadow wolves that were directing them to where Elena was being held captive. ",

Once they had gone, Yuri geared around and looked at the wide space that was in between her and the arena.",

"Come out… I know you\'re hiding." Yuri voiced out as she concentrated her view on the huge tree beside the arena.",

Rexi, Luke\'s personal guard, came out of hiding and strolled out to the open, and approached Yuri.",

"I know you, you are that soon to be deadman\'s attendant." Yuri voiced out as she stared.",

Rexi still kept a forthright expression, her hand resting on the bottom of the sword packed near her waist.",

"I am not here to fight, I\'m here to speak with you, a warrior to another warrior." Rexi uttered.",

They both gaped at each other for a while, neither one of them uttering a single word since they were feeling wary of the situation.",


Sato whooshed to the sky and came dipping down with multiple giant fireballs following behind him.",

Luke was quick to warp a quick shield, which he set over his head to block the fireballs.",

Like raining devastation, the ground went bursting in flames while some of them landed directly on Luke\'s shield.",

\'Damn it, what is going on here? Does this guy not care about what I\'d do to his subject?\' Luke thought to himself as he strumbled to keep the shield up.",

After a stretch, the roaring sound of fireballs declining to earth stopped and Luke was forced to put his shield down and check where Sato\'s location was.",

Glancing up, Luke could see Sato hovering above him, Sato\'s eyes were glowing red and he had dark flames shrouding both his fists.",

"Have you lost it?!" Luke banged his shield on the ground, "What do you think you\'re doing?! I have your….".",

Luke instantly paused before she could finish what he was saying, he looked around and saw that the audience was still seated and couldn\'t risk exposing his plan out in the open.",

"Complete destruction of the threat!" Sato voiced out and stretched out his hand toward Luke.",


Sato desperately tried to call out to his system, but ever since his body was taken over by Helix, Sato had been struggling to speak since he lost control of his body.",

And he suddenly managed to do that after he focused all this magic energy on a particular point in his body.",

Helix, who had taken control of Sato\'s body, was focused on obliterating Sato before she could let go of his body.",

[Helix, give me back control of my body this instant!]",

Sato yelled but Helix didn\'t respond to his protest.",

With Sato\'s hand still stretched, a gathering of light energy began to form in front of Sato.",

It was spherical and was spinning in a manner that generated more energy. The audience was all shocked when they saw it.",

[This is! Is she planning to blow this whole place… no Helix! There are innocent lives here.]",

"What\'s this asshole doing now?!" Luke muttered to himself with his sheild placed in front of him.",

He glanced to the side and noticed the anticipation in Erza\'s eyes as she was observing Sato.",

"Damn you, you\'re stealing all my moments!" Luke yelled, placing the shield down and materializing a long spear with his other hand.",

Luke benched his back and threw the spear at Sato with all his might. As the spear revved, it began engrossing itself in yellow lightning that was adding to its speed.",

[Shit, Helix!]",

Before the spear could cause any damage to Sato\'s body, a fast moving beam of light directly from the light orb, shot out and charged straight at the spear.",

As soon as they made touch, the spear corroded into dust and the light beam proceeded with its acceleration.",

It was going straight for Luke and he could tell. Luke rashly seated his shield in front of him at the last second but even that wasn\'t enough.",

The light beam went through the shield and past Luke\'s heart in the blink of an eye.",

The shield fell from Luke\'s hand and everyone could see the stunted expression he had on. His chest had a huge hole in it where his blood was spewing from.",

"What…the.." Luke muttered before he fell to the footing with his chest on the ground as he laid in his pool of blood.",

Gigz screamed from the vip area of the arena, "Luke! How dare you kill me son you bastard!" Gigz yelled in anger.",


prea of the arena, "Luke! How dare you kill me son you bastard!" Gigz yelled in anger.",




Sorry for the drop quality, I\'ve been really busy so please give me some time.",

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