Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 183 The Sword Hero Vs The Elemental Hero

Benihime stood tall with her feet firmly planted on the ground, her grip tight on her sword.

She focused all her energy and concentration on the massive astro wall that she had summoned.

The wall grew higher and higher, towering above her and stretching out to both sides of the battlefield, protecting Sato\'s forces from the deadly fog.

She didn\'t let up, not even for a moment, as she poured all her magic into maintaining the wall\'s integrity. Sweat dripped down her face and her arms trembled with the strain of holding the spell for so long, but she didn\'t falter.

Still on the floor, Yuri\'s eyes widened in shock as she watched the fog hit the wall with full force, causing the ground to shake beneath her.

The mist was relentless, trying to seep through any crack or crevice in the wall, but Benihime\'s spell was holding strong, keeping the deadly fog at bay.

Yuri could feel the intense magic emanating from the wall, and she knew that it must have taken a lot out of Benihime to cast such a powerful spell.

She couldn\'t help but feel grateful to the Valkyrie for saving her life and the lives of many others on the battlefield.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall, the demons that were unlucky enough to be caught in the fog had turned into nothing but salt statues, their bodies frozen in time.

The sight was eerie, and the soldiers of both sides couldn\'t help but feel a sense of dread and unease wash over them.

But with Benihime\'s magic wall holding strong, they knew that they were safe for the time being. They all looked to her with admiration and respect, grateful for her quick thinking and bravery in the face of danger.

Finally grasping the situation, Yuri stood up from the ground and walked toward Benihime\'s side, "How long can you keep the wall up?" She asked.

Benihime was still for a while before she replied, "Not long enough, but I don\'t plan to stop anytime soon".

She then suddenly looked back at Benihime, "You seem to know about the fog, when does it die down?" Yuri asked.

Benihime answered, "It doesn\'t, it can keep going for months, years, even decades. It\'s a very powerful spell".

"Well we don\'t have that time." Yuri uttered, walking close to the wall before placing her hand on it.

Benihime watched with surprise as Yuri\'s hand disappeared into the wall and came back out covered in the dark fog. She quickly realized that Yuri was trying to find a way to stop the deadly fog.

Yuri looked at her hand, studying the fog for a while before turning back to Benihime, "I have an idea," She said, her eyes shining with determination.

Benihime raised an eyebrow, "What kind of idea?".

Yuri turned to face her fully, "The spell needs a source of energy to keep going, right? What if we cut off the source?"

Benihime\'s eyes widened in realization, "You mean the book?!".

Yuri nodded, "If you are talking about the book the bitch is holding, then yes, Exactly. If we can destroy the book, the spell will be broken and the fog will stop."

Benihime smiled, "It\'s an ancient relic, it can\'t be destroyed that easily." She continued, "But… I do know how to capture it".

She tightened her grip on her sword and turned to face the rest of the battlefield. "Akeno! Hina! Isla!" She called out.

They immediately heeded her call, "Is something the matter?" Akeno asked.

"I need you do something for me." Benihime uttered.

"Sure, what is it?" Hina responded, If it meant helping Benihime, she was ready to do it.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the forest, Shinya and Warthniq had begun their counter attack on The witches.

"I didn\'t expect him to attack this early," Himiko muttered, sprinting towards the front line with her sword at the ready. She was joined by Ava, the Witch of Destruction, and Selfy, the Witch of Sex, both of whom were eager to fight off Warthniq.

As they ran, the three witches summoned minions aided them in battle. The creatures swarmed around the group, ready to defend the forest from the invading army.

The minions were surprisingly effective at holding Warthniq back. Despite their massive size and strength, the creatures were no match for the combined might of the witches and their summoned allies.

The minions pushed Warthniq back, preventing them from advancing any further into the forest.

Himiko, Ava, and Selfy fought with a ferocity that surprised even themselves. The battle raged on for hours, with neither side gaining a clear advantage. The sound of clashing metal and roaring monsters filled the air, making it difficult for anyone to hear anything else.

But despite the chaos, the witches stood their ground, determined to defend their home at any cost.

After hours of intense fighting, the two heroes finally met on the battlefield. Himiko, the Elemental Hero, stood tall and confident, her sword gleaming in the sunlight. Shinra, the Sword Hero, was equally imposing, his armor reflecting the light in a dazzling display.

As they approached each other, the sounds of battle around them faded into the background. All that remained was the sound of their footsteps as they closed the distance between them.

Himiko and Shinra exchanged a long, steady gaze, each sizing the other up. They both knew that this was a fight to the death, and neither was willing to back down.

Shinra finally spoke up as he moved closer to Himiko.

"You are one of the strongest heroes I have ever worked with," He said, his voice dripping with respect. "Why are you wasting your talent on these people?".

Himiko\'s expression remained stoic as she replied, "Weren\'t you the one excited to meet another Traveler?"

Shinra\'s expression darkened at the mention of their shared past. "That was before I saw how weak they were. I thought he was different, but he\'s just a fool like the others." He growled.

Himiko\'s eyes narrowed, and she tightened her grip on her sword. "Sorry to disappoint you Shinya, but Sato isn\'t someone I can\'t abandon," She said firmly. "If that means standing against you, then so be it".

Shinra\'s expression changed, and he adopted a more aggressive stance. "Step down, Himiko," He said coldly. "I don\'t plan on holding back just because you are a girl."

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