Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 223 Good News And Bad News

With a thunderous roar that reverberated through the underground layer, Divanchi unleashed her immense power, striking down one of the Resistance members who had been hiding in the shadows. The resounding impact echoed in the cavernous space, and the defeated figure crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

Taking a moment to catch her breath, Divanchi surveyed the scene before her. Strewn across the underground lair were numerous werewolves, all lying motionless, their struggles quelled by her formidable might. The air crackled with tension as she stood amidst the aftermath of her solo conquest.

"That should be all," Divanchi muttered under her breath, a hint of exhaustion creeping into her voice. She disdainfully tossed the defeated werewolf she had been holding by the throat to the side, casting a casual glance at the motionless figure before proceeding to dust off her hand. Yet, just as she thought her triumph was complete, a voice filled with fury and defiance suddenly pierced the air from behind her.

"What kind of monster are you?!" a female werewolf cried out, her voice laced with a mixture of anger, fear, and disbelief.

Startled, Divanchi spun around to face the source of the vehement accusation. Her eyes locked onto the defiant werewolf, who stood resolute amidst the chaos, her gaze filled with a mixture of rage and determination. Divanchi\'s gaze sharpened, her countenance betraying a hint of satisfaction and a glimmer of anticipation.

"Oh, there\'s one more," Divanchi retorted, her voice laced with a tinge of dark amusement. Her lips curled into a wicked smile as she sized up her final opponent. The confrontation had only just begun.

"Just leave us the hell alone!" The female werewolf\'s voice reverberated with a mix of desperation and defiance. In a surge of dark energy, her human form erupted, giving way to a towering and formidable wolf. The transformation was accompanied by a gust of wind, as if nature itself shuddered in awe of the beast\'s emergence.

Divanchi\'s eyes widened, her gaze fixed upon the magnificent creature that now stood before her. She could feel the raw power emanating from the massive wolf, an embodiment of primal strength and ferocity. A thrill of anticipation coursed through her veins, fueling her already formidable resolve.

"Oh? So that is your origin form. Interesting," Divanchi exclaimed, her voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of amusement. She relished the challenge that lay before her, relishing the opportunity to face an opponent of such magnitude.

The colossal wolf let out a deafening roar, its voice echoing through the underground lair. The sheer force of its cry caused the earth to crack, while a tempestuous wind swept through the surroundings. Yet, despite the tremendous power unleashed by the wolf, Divanchi remained steadfast, firmly rooted to the ground. The gusts of wind whipped around her, but she stood unaffected, her gaze locked onto her formidable foe.

As abruptly as it had started, the tempest ceased. Divanchi swiftly brushed aside the locks of hair that had fallen across her face, revealing a wicked smirk that danced upon her lips. Her eyes blazed with an intense fire as she prepared to unveil her own true form.

"Since you were so nice to show me your origin form, I should return the favor," Divanchi declared with a tone dripping in anticipation. A surge of energy enveloped her, as flames erupted around her figure, spiraling and intertwining in a mesmerizing display. In a breathtaking instant, her transformation was complete, as she took the form of a majestic phoenix.

With an earth-shaking impact, the mighty phoenix burst through the confines of the underground lair, piercing through the ceiling and emerging in all its fiery glory.

The werewolf took several cautious steps backward, her eyes widening in awe and trepidation as she beheld the magnificent phoenix before her. "Y-You\'re a Phoenix?... A deity-tier monster..." Her voice trembled with a mix of reverence and disbelief. "How is someone of your caliber working for an elf?"

Divanchi\'s fiery aura intensified, her Phoenix form pulsating with scorching flames that danced with ethereal grace. She regarded the werewolf with a piercing gaze, her voice laden with authority and warning. "I\'d watch my mouth if I were you. That is my master you are speaking of." The weight of her words hung heavily in the air, a testament to the unwavering loyalty she held for her elusive employer.

"It is abundantly clear how this will end. Why don\'t you save yourself the trouble and surrender?" Divanchi\'s voice carried an air of supreme confidence, her unwavering conviction evident in her every word.

The werewolf\'s growl resonated through the underground lair, reverberating with defiance and determination. Ignoring the immense disparity in power between them, she stepped forward, muscles tensed, ready to spring into action. "I refuse! I don\'t care if you are a god! I will not give up here!"

"Have it your way... I won\'t be holding back," Divanchi uttered, her voice carrying a steely determination.

Without a moment\'s hesitation, the werewolf seized the opportunity to catch Divanchi off guard. With a powerful leap, she propelled herself towards the airborne Phoenix, her jaws agape, unleashing a torrent of malevolent black energy that surged forth with immense force.

Divanchi, however, had anticipated the attack. Unfazed, she remained resolute, her fiery form radiating an aura of command. As the black energy hurtled towards her, she summoned her elemental prowess. Multiple fireballs materialized around her, their intense flames blazing with unrivaled intensity.

The first fireball collided with the onslaught of black energy, triggering an explosive eruption that sent shockwaves rippling through the air. The werewolf, caught within the devastating blast, was violently slammed into the unforgiving ground, momentarily disoriented by the sheer force of the impact.

Before the werewolf could regain her bearings, a relentless barrage of fireballs descended upon her, transforming the very ground beneath into a scorching inferno. Each fireball found its mark with unerring accuracy, engulfing the werewolf in a blistering storm of flames. The air crackled with the searing heat as the earth itself seemed to burn, and the werewolf\'s anguished cries melded with the roaring flames that consumed her.

Divanchi, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on her smoldering adversary, stood amidst the aftermath of her relentless assault. The battleground was transformed into a scene of devastation, with smoke billowing and the scent of singed fur hanging heavy in the air.

Yet, even as the flames subsided, Divanchi\'s fierce countenance remained unyielding, her aura brimming with the promise of further calamity. The battle had only just begun, and the outcome still hung in the balance.

"Honestly, that was a foolish move," Divanchi remarked, her voice resonating with a mix of disappointment and admonishment. With a fiery burst of energy, she reverted back to her human form, her presence radiating an air of calm authority. Determined and unyielding, she began walking purposefully towards the fallen werewolf.

Each step she took left imprints on the scorched ground, a stark reminder of the devastating power she possessed. As Divanchi drew closer, her keen eyes scanned the charred figure sprawled on the ground, the werewolf now transformed back into her human form. Tattered remnants of clothing clung to her body, blackened and singed by the merciless flames.

Divanchi knelt down in front of the fallen werewolf, her expression a mixture of curiosity and resolve. Her voice held a firmness, yet a hint of genuine curiosity, as she posed her question. "Now, tell me... What are you and your allies planning to do to my master?"

The werewolf, her body covered in ash and her eyes filled with defiance, met Divanchi\'s gaze without faltering. Despite the dire circumstances, a flicker of stubborn determination burned within her.

Her voice, though weakened, carried an undertone of unyielding resolve as she responded. "We will... never let your master succeed... His ambitions... will be thwarted, no matter the cost."

Divanchi\'s eyes narrowed, her voice tinged with a mix of caution and determination. "You underestimate both my master and me. The path you have chosen is one paved with folly and consequences. I suggest you reconsider your allegiance before it\'s too late".


Yuri, stationed at the entrance of the door that led to the sacred altar, kept a vigilant watch over Sato, her eyes darting between him and the room beyond. 

Suddenly, a voice crackled through her earpiece, interrupting her focused attention. She swiftly shifted her gaze away from Sato, giving her full attention to the urgent message.

"Divanchi, what is it?" she inquired, her voice laced with a sense of urgency and concern.

[We have both good news and bad news,] Divanchi\'s voice replied through the earpiece. 

[The good news is that I\'ve discovered a way to prevent the impending disaster. However, the bad news is that I\'m at a loss as to where to begin.]

Yuri\'s brows furrowed, her mind racing to process the weight of the situation. "What do you mean?" she pressed, her tone reflecting her unwavering determination to resolve the crisis.

With a hint of frustration evident in her voice, Divanchi relayed the crucial information. 

[[The individuals we are pursuing, they call themselves the Resistance. Their goal is to halt the coronation ceremony, and to achieve that, they have strategically planted magic bombs throughout the city. Their plan is to eliminate Nervek in one fell swoop]

Yuri\'s breath caught in her throat as she absorbed the gravity of the situation. The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, threatening to unravel the delicate threads of order and peace they had fought so hard to maintain. Time seemed to stand still as she grappled with the weight of the imminent danger that loomed over them.

"Divanchi, meet back with me," she declared, her voice laced with unwavering determination.

[Sure… I\'ll destroy this bomb first].

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