Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 229 Where Did You Get My Snipers?

A fleeting grin, laced with a hint of amusement, escaped his bloodied lips. "It was but an illusion, a clever ruse," he muttered, his voice tinged with a dark satisfaction. The criminal, undeterred by his predicament, reveled in his twisted victory.

Suddenly, a thunderous impact reverberated through the air as Lord Sato descended upon the scene, landing with an expertly executed grace. Cradled within his powerful arms was Erza, her beautiful form a stark contrast to the chaos that surrounded her. Yuri and Vald, loyal and unwavering, stood steadfastly by their leader\'s side.

"Lord Sato!" Shuna\'s voice rang out, slicing through the tense atmosphere as she sprinted towards them, her breath heavy with exertion. "I apologize for my tardiness. I hope I arrived in time to assist."

Sato\'s stern gaze softened momentarily as he nodded at Shuna, his gratitude evident in his eyes. "You came just when we needed you most, Shuna. Thanks to you, we were able to save their lives while still keeping a low profile".

With a shared sense of determination, the group formed a united front against the fallen criminal, their eyes blazing with unwavering resolve. The once-deserted town square now thrummed with anticipation, the silence shattered by the collective willpower emanating from Sato and his loyal comrades.

Sato\'s steely gaze remained fixed upon the criminal as he cautiously approached, his footsteps deliberate and resolute. With a measured breath, he knelt beside the fallen figure, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air. Fingers steady, he reached out and carefully removed the mask that concealed the face of the perpetrator, unflinching in the face of the atrocities committed.

"Why? Why have you resorted to such heinous acts?" Sato\'s voice resonated with a mix of curiosity and unwavering determination, unshaken by the revelation of the person\'s true identity.

Erza, her concern evident, turned to Vlad with a furrowed brow. "Father, do you recognize this person?" she inquired, her eyes searching for answers.

Regret etched across his face, Vlad shook his head solemnly. "Unfortunately, my dear, this face is unfamiliar to me. But it seems your betrothed may hold the key to what you want to know." He replied, a hint of intrigue creeping into his voice.

The criminal, a twisted smile playing upon his blood-stained lips, responded through gritted teeth, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. "All you need to comprehend, Lord Sato, is that I am a force that shall unerringly deliver your demise".

Sato\'s gaze remained unyielding, his hand inching closer to the criminal\'s fingers as he spoke with a measured sigh. "I possess a remarkably sharp memory, you see. Even if this is our first face-to-face encounter, once I lay eyes on you, I will remember you forever."

A pained chuckle escaped the criminal\'s lips, mingling with the agony that permeated his broken body. "And what difference does that make?" he retorted, his voice tinged with bitterness.

Ignoring the criminal\'s defiance, Sato pressed on, his voice calm yet infused with an unmistakable resolve. "We crossed paths during the royal selection, did we not? You were the supposed victor on the vampire faction\'s side, if my memory serves me right."

The criminal averted his gaze, a flicker of remorse and regret briefly passing over his features. "Just end it already, kill me and be done with it," he muttered, the weight of his sins bearing down upon him.

A sly smile curved Sato\'s lips, his eyes gleaming with a glint of amusement. "Kill you? Oh no, that would be far too merciful," he replied, his tone laced with a chilling certainty. And without a moment\'s warning, he seized one of the criminal\'s fingers, snapping it with a swift and merciless force.

An anguished groan tore from the criminal\'s throat, his bones fracturing like a snapped twig, the sound reverberating through the desolate square. The pain etched deeply upon his contorted face, a mere reflection of the torment he had inflicted upon others.

Sato\'s gaze narrowed, his voice dripping with a deadly intensity. "The guns you wielded, particularly the snipers, I want to know where you acquired them from," he demanded, his tone brooking no opposition. "They belong to me, and I intend to uncover the wretched scoundrel who sold them to you."

The criminal\'s groans mingled with his strained words as he attempted to resist. "I have nothing to say to...".

Before he could finish his defiant retort, Sato snapped two more fingers with calculated precision, eliciting agonized cries from the criminal.

 Sato leaned in closer, his unwavering gaze fixed upon his target. "Once more, I ask you, where did you acquire my snipers?" His voice carried an undeniable air of authority, demanding the truth.

"From a man named Hinsa!" the criminal managed to gasp amidst the searing pain, desperation etched across his bloodied face. "He sold me the guns, but in exchange, I was to ensure he obtained your land."

The name Hinsa reverberated through Sato\'s mind, but he struggled to recall any of his subordinates bearing that name. Furrowing his brow in concentration, he tried to piece together the puzzle that lay before him. The revelation of this unknown figure\'s involvement in his affairs sent a shiver down his spine, a realization that his enemies lurked closer than he had ever imagined.

"Hinsa..." Sato muttered to himself, his thoughts racing as he contemplated the implications of this new information. The name held no familiarity, casting a shadow of doubt over his already troubled mind. He knew that he would have to delve deeper, unravel the enigma surrounding this Hinsa and the betrayal that had transpired.

<<Hinsa, a beastmen and a direct follower under Carion, he wasn\'t under your subordinate, so it\'s very likely the criminal is right>> 

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