Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 87 087: The Parley 3

No! don\'t say that, he wouldn\'t! is this a test? A set up!" Cole yelled out loud, only for him to get slapped across the face.

"Why the hell would I want to frame my own husband! Are you blind, they\'re trying to kill me too, all three of us! I do not know what\'s going on Cole, but the pirates could just have easily set up shop. Remember somebody paid them a lot of money to kill us, so while this hit is a little too organized I don\'t think your grandfather is responsible…. At least not yet. Now let\'s find a way to survive this first, then we will deal with the person behind this."

Cole gritted his teeth, it just seemed as if the more time he spent playing Titan Rising Online, shit keeps going wrong around him and people have lost their minds. Another shot went off, this time the chips from the table flew wide and slashed into Tehilla\'s cheek, causing a small cut to Mar her face.

Cole snarled out in anger and pulled the blinds to the side before pointing his Revolver in the direction he had had tracked the shots were coming from.

[Sapphire Sniping]

The Revolver broke into pieces, but the bullet traveled the distance none the less, and much to the shock of Cole, blasted apart and entire floor of the building opposite their current one. Shards of sapphires shot out of it, creating a crown of stalagmites that surrounded the building.

Cole felt his breath hitch in his throat as the world seemed to tilt to the side and the edges of his vision began to go black. He stumbled backwards into the waiting arms of his grandmother who brought him right back down to the ground as he shook his head, desperately trying to reorient himself.

[Master I was able to alert the security detail placed on you by Sierra Corp, they are on their r location now, ETA 7 minutes and counting. Hang on Sir.]

Cole dragged himself up to his feet, ignoring the burn in his hand as he looked down to see his right hand looking like a complete mess. He was severely injured enough that his horns were showing as strips of flesh hung off their frame. He had used a weapon specific skill, with a different weapon that it was not built for.

Cole felt like a fool, even within Titan Rising Online this was an extremely bad idea as the skill usually always backfired or didn\'t work in rare cases, which means that normally to do so, meant to invite a disaster.

"Help will be here in Seven minutes, we just have to hang on for that long." Cole said to his grandmother and Tehilla, as he gritted his teeth in pain.

Tehilla stretched her hand out and held the wrist of his injured arm. Then she filled the shoulder of her house, showing surprising strength as she ripped it further in half before taking a bottle of alcohol that was on the table. She looked up at Cole, who nodded his head at her. Tehilla was not squeamish, she turned the entire contents of the bottle on his hand, forcing Cole to hiss out in pain as his vision went blank for a second.

Then she wrapped the ripped blouse around the injury, Col winced but never the less he couldn\'t show any sort of weakness, not in front of his grandmother and his ex…. or former ex. Tehilla worked quickly, and soon enough Cole was clutching the bloodied cloth around his fist. He moved to the door of the room they had been dining in, but his grandmother held his clothes.

"What are you doing? I thought you said help was coming in seven minutes?" Cole looked at her with a blank look on his face as he said.

"Yeah, but we will all be dead before that, I can hear people gathering outside so if I stay here, then you will both end up dead, And frankly speaking I don\'t want that on my conscience, and I really I\'m not in the mood to lose a grandmother I\'m finally reconnecting with and a woman I\'ve hurt and I\'m trying to make up to. So forget everything else…. Right now the two of you are the most important people in my life. I can not afford to lose you guys, I really can\'t."

By this point his voic had fallen silent. This was a feeling that within the last few days had sprung up in his heart. And this was the first time he was actually acknowledging it. It wasn\'t as if he was in love with Tehilla or he had suddenly become so close to his grandmother.

But he had seen what chaos and heartache a divided family had caused him, he\'d rather draw them closer and be as true as possible to them. Because he felt and he absolutely knew that he could trust them, and perhaps that was his problem. His ability to first people so easy, especially when they had the tag of family and loved ones.

He stepped out the door in that moment, there were too many skills he couldn\'t use, but he was more than capable not standing up for his family and saving them long enough to make sure nobody touched them. Outside the room they were sin was a balcony that overlooked a massive hall that had different tables and chairs for customers.

This was a high end restaurant, so even the people who were on tables below were the crème of the crop in society, but beyond that there was chaos, all of the guard that had come here with Cole were either dead, bleeding out, or where hiding behind various tables or pillars shooting back at a group of armed gun men who frankly speaking were dressed like they were out of this world.

Cole shook his head and kept off the railing on the balcony, a whole they foot drop, and he made the jump like it was nothing. He had not experimented to see the limits of how his in-game abilities translated into his real world body, but never the less he fell down and smashed into a table with a loud crash creating enough sound that it drew the attention of every living soul within the restaurant.

Cole was fine, hell even better than fine he could feel his wounds healing at an equally rapid pace as he took a deep breath and turned to face the crowd of gunmen that were most definitely here for him.

Cole knew he could probably take them, but there would be losses, and he might not even be able to come out of it unscathed. He was worried, because there were way too many bystanders and since help was on the way, Cole had to stall for time. For the first time in a little while he had to fight by not fighting, putting himself on the line for strangers he absolutely did not give a shit about, but this was the only way to keep his loved ones safe. He looked up and noticed his grandmother and Tehilla watching, he sighed…. It was time to out up a show that was befitting of the moniker world breaker.

"I would very much like to aske you motherfuckers who sent you here after me, but I know you wouldn\'t say anything. So here I am, I\'m who you have been paid to get rid of right? That\'s okay, in fact I should say I\'m feeling flattered about it. But let me warn you all, pissing me off is going to have severely dire consequences, so let me ask you how…. Who amongst the…..12 is 13? 15 of you wants to die first?"


As Cole spoke the pieces of the table he had landed on, began to float into the air, a shocking display of power that caused quite a few people to step back as Cole took a step forwards then held his hands outwards. Then in front of everyone, a ball made from pure Chaos began to form in his hand as even more gasps of shock rose up amongst the people present. The leader of the gunmen raised his pistol and fired a shot, straight through Cole\'s heart, with enough power that the bullet actually went through.

Cole gasped and took a few steps back as his body acknowledged the pain, he looked down to see the blood blossoming in his clothes, he vaguely heard his grandmother screaming, her voice filled with grief, but Cole scoffed at the pain.

He could feel himself already healing, and with that he sighed, quite happy that his [Demonic Constitution] had made the jump into real life. And now it was just about time to see if his [Sin Eater] and [Sin Reaper] skills made the jump with him.

"Is that the best you can do? A bullet to the heart? Are you absolutely stupidity

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