Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 575 - Boss Pei’s Friends are My Friends!

Chapter 575 Boss Pei’s Friends are My Friends!

Qiao Liang was dragged by everyone else to the Haunted House Nightmare.

“Hurry! Whoever becomes paralyzed with fear is a loser!”

“Old Qiao, weren’t you the best in Be Quiet? Quickly, you’ll be the first to go in!”

“Look, it’s even written on the flyer: Haunted House Nightmare is considered moderate horror. It’s not the scariest item in this haunted house...”

Everyone tried to bluff Teacher Qiao into going in to experience the project.

Qiao Liang was slowly being convinced as well.

That’s right, it’s indeed written that the Haunted House Nightmare is considered moderate horror. What’s more, it looked quite short. It shouldn’t be that scary, right?

However, just as he prepared to walk forward, he saw a strong, muscular man walking out with his face looking as white as a sheet. In fact, he looked like he was going to pass out at any time.

The few girls who just exited were crying miserably. All of their make-up was messed up.

“That’s so scary!”

“I’m traumatized... boohoo!”

“We even had to memorize the steps of the game. Why didn’t they just kill me first?!” The few visitors who came out of that project had no plans to visit the Ultimate Horror. Instead, they either headed for the Golden Maze or for the Desperate Escape. It looked as if they did not want to spend another second in that place.

At that moment, Qiao Liang keenly realized that something was amiss.

That was horrifying! That was definitely not f*cking moderate horror!

However, on further thought, that made sense. To Boss Pei, Repent and be Saved was just a slightly more difficult game. One only needed to think a bit harder to figure out what ‘moderate horror’ meant to him.

This time, apart from Qiao Liang, some fans who had been eager before started to walk backward.

“Why don’t we... go and line up for the Desperate Escape? If we get in line now, we can play it earlier.”

“You’re not already paralyzed with fear, are you? We haven’t even walked in! It would be so shameful to tell others about it!”

“Hehe, if you don’t court death, you wouldn’t die. Why is that so hard to understand this truth?”

“The excuse that ‘we’re already here’ is the world’s biggest misconception! I’m not going to fall for that trick. Not every experience is worth going through...”

The group was getting divided.

When a group of friends who went to an amusement park together, a portion of the group would always back out at the entrance to the haunted house. To be precise, it would not only be because of their fear, but it would also be because they knew better than anyone else just how afraid they would become. “Hey... are you in line?” A voice asked.

As Qiao Liang and his group of fans hesitated, they hovered around the start of the line. As a result, the people who arrived subsequently had no idea if they were entering or not. Thus, they had no choice but to seek clarification.

Qiao Liang turned around to see an energetic lad with a crew cut, staring at them with a smile.

“Ah, sorry about that. Please go ahead first,” said Qiao Liang and his fans as they made way for the visitors.

The energetic lad did not go inside immediately. Instead, he tentatively asked, “Are you... Teacher Qiao?”

Qiao Liang paused. Eh? I can still meet fans in such a place?

However, it seemed to make sense when he thought about it properly. Most of the first batch of visitors to Thriller Hostel were hardcore fans of Tengda. Since they were hardcore fans, it was normal for them to have watched the Products of the Gods series.

“That’s right, that’s right. I am Qiao Liang. Have you watched my videos?”

The energetic lad looked excited. “That’s right! I have, and I liked them a lot! Your voice is very special. I just tried my luck, but I didn’t think you would really be him! Let me introduce myself. My surname is Ruan, and my name is Ruan Guangjian. I worked on the art for Repent and be Saved.”

Qiao Liang’s eyes widened.

Ruan Guangjian?

He had not just worked on the art for Repent and be Saved, but he had also worked on the art for games like Ghost General, Game Designer, Be Quiet, and GOG!

He was Boss Pei’s business partner and close friend.

Boss Pei’s friends are my friends, right? “What an honor to meet you!” Both men shook hands affectionately, looking like they had waited a long time to meet each other. They had already heard of each other a long time ago. Now that they had met, they both realized that each lived up to his reputation!

Qiao Liang sized Ruan Guangjian up and discovered that he was younger than he had expected. What’s more, he looked unassuming, and he looked nothing like a traditional artist. Yet, Ruan Guangjian could still sense the fact that this man had spent years immersed in the art industry.

On the other hand, Ruan Guangjian felt thatalthough Qiao Liang looked average, slightly plump, and like an ordinary geek; his eyes seemed to contain a lot of wisdom.

After exchanging a couple of pleasantries, Ruan Guangjian suggested, “I’m actually very cowardly myself. Before I came here, I had to fight with my own thoughts. Why don’t we partner up and go in together?” Qiao Liang looked half doubtful. “Are you being serious?”

Ruan Guangjian nodded. “I am. I’m known for being afraid of haunted houses. Even Boss Pei knows that.”

Confused, one of the fans asked, “Huh? If you’re so cowardly, why do you still want to go in?”

Ruan Guangjian looked like he was facing death with equanimity. “True warriors have to take on the challenge! As a friend of Boss Pei’s, I have to show him my support!”

Ruan Guangjian looked like a hero going into battle, prepared not to return alive.

Everyone carefully observed his expression and concluded that he did not seem to be lying. In fact, he looked very serious. That fearless spirit infected Qiao Liang and the other fans.

At once, Qiao Liang felt ashamed. Qiao Liang, Qiao Liang... don’t you always call yourself a hardcore player? Don’t you always claim to be the person who knows Boss Pei the best?

Look at him! He’s a painter who dares to challenge himself by entering the haunted house. How can you be paralyzed with fear?

Where are the grit that you had when you completed Repent and be Saved and the courage that you had when you published another video in the Products of the Gods channel?

At that thought, Qiao Liang became impassioned. “Alright! Since that’s the case, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you. Let’s go and take on the challenge that Boss Pei has designed for us together!” For some reason, Ruan Guangjian’s participation gave the entire group more confidence. Thus, everyone entered the Haunted House Nightmare’s factory.

Qiao Liang walked right in front. As a hardcore gamer, he had to take the lead. The first thing that he saw was a lot of mysterious containers. As for what exactly they contained, he was not sure.

The staff seemed to have gotten used to visitors like them, who were chatting and laughing. They neither tried to discourage them or encourage them. Instead, they silently handed the details of the game to each person and then smiled knowingly.

That smile could make anyone’s hair stand.

There was a resting area at the side. Confused, everyone brought their instructions there and sat down.


A loud scream was heard, and a girl ran out from the exit at the back of a shipping container.

Everyone exchanged confused looks. Qiao Liang carefully read the instructions in his hand and realized that ‘Haunted House Nightmare’ had been split into multiple smaller projects. They included bathrooms, window sides, TV sets, stairs, ceilings, underneath beds, and the like.

There was a mission description for every small project. For example, in the bathroom, one had to lock the bathroom door, light up candles, blindfold themselves, wash their hands, and so on.

Those steps were not mandatory. Visitors could go in, do nothing, and then come back out. However, to get the admission ticket to Ultimate Horror, they had to follow the mission instructions and complete Haunted House Nightmare.

The more Qiao Liang read, the more afraid he became.

It was not because it was difficult to remember. In fact, although there were different items, they were all connected and ordered. He was sure that he would be able to recall the instructions easily once he saw the scene and the props.

Instead, he was mainly afraid because he did not think he would be able to follow through the steps!

He imagined holding a red candle in a pitch-black bathroom and then blindfolding himself in front of the mirror...

That was no less scary than traditional haunted houses!

He turned to look at the others. Obviously, the bravado that they had all felt earlier had all dissipated by now. Ruan Guangjian, in particular, was already trembling.

Seeing Ruan Guangjian panicking more than him, Qiao Liang settled down a bit more. He felt like a bad student getting ready for an examination. Seeing worse students than himself made him feel more secure.

There was no time limit for memorization. They were allowed to remain in the resting area and memorize the instructions for a long time. Then, they could queue to enter any small project once they were ready.

Qiao Liang felt like a student again. Specifically, he felt like he had been forced by his teacher to memorize ancient poems and like he would have to be tested on it in an hour.

However, the content that he had to memorize now was much more exciting.

From time to time, people would enter the containers to be challenged. However, whether they screamed or not, they would always come out looking like death.

Seven or eight people had gone in already, but not one of them had successfully cleared the project. What’s more, from the look on their faces, Qiao Liang guessed that they would not try again.

Thus, more and more people from the resting area changed their minds. The harder they tried to memorize the instructions, the more terrified they felt. In the end, they decided to give up without making a single attempt.

Seeing fewer and fewer people in the resting area made Qiao Liang feel like darkness was engulfing him. However, just as he was feeling uncertain and considering backing out, Ruan Guangjian stood up. Like a ray of light, he cut through the dark clouds above Qiao Liang’s head!

Qiao Liang was stunned. “Brother Ruan, you...”

Once again, Ruan Guangjian looked like he was facing death with equanimity. “If I don’t enter hell, who would? Everyone, I’ll go in first and find out more about our enemy!”

Everyone was elated, and Qiao Liang was even more so.


They had just been worrying about who would go in first!

Since Big Boss Ruan wanted to be the first to enter, they could listen to his narration about what was inside. Then, they could mentally prepare themselves.

If even the naturally timid Ruan Guangjian could survive it, everyone would feel confident about surviving it as well.

Qiao Liang patted Ruan Guangjian on the shoulder. “Go ahead, Brother Ruan. We’ll wait for you to emerge victorious!”

Hardening his face, Ruan Guangjian entered the shipping container.

Qiao Liang and the others sat back down in the resting area and continued memorizing the instructions.

However, not long after they sat down, they heard high-pitched screams coming from inside the shipping container.

“Ah, ah, ah!”

Qiao Liang was scared stiff, and everyone exchanged confused looks. What did that mean? Had he failed? He had just gone in two minutes ago, but he’s already dead?

The resting area was very quiet. No one spoke, but everyone’s facial expressions said it all. They were paralyzed with fear!

This place looked very scary indeed!

Qiao Liang instinctively imagined the scenario based on the memories in his head. He expected to see Ruan Guangjian run out of the shipping container after enduring for a few more minutes.

Less than two minutes later, there was another scream.

Qiao Liang could not help but feel moved.

Brother Ruan was so afraid, and yet he’s persevering. It’s worth learning from his fearless attitude!

Nobody could focus on memorizing the instructions anymore. One by one, they looked up at the shipping container of terror, waiting to see how long more Ruan Guangjian would hang in there before he gave up.

Five minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed... Although the screams inside did not stop, Ruan Guangjian never emerged.

Qiao Liang was even more touched now.

Look at what it means to never give up! Look at what it means to challenge oneself! Look at what it means to be fearless!

Big Boss Ruan is an artist, and yet he can persevere despite all of his fears. What’s more, it looks like he’s going to win any time now. Qiao Liang, you claim to be a hardcore gamer, but you wouldn’t even dare to enter!

Aren’t you ashamed? Aren’t you ashamed?!

After memorizing all the items and instructions, Qiao Liang resolved to walk the path of no return.

Although Ruan Guangjian had not emerged, there were many other small projects. Each one would take about the same time. What’s more, visitors were free to choose which small projects to experience. They only had to complete a portion of them before they qualified for the next project, and so they would not collide.

The fans were stunned. “Old Qiao, aren’t you waiting for him to come back out?” Now, it was Qiao Liang’s turn to look death in the eyes. “I’m not. Brother Ruan has already entered the battlefield. How can I sit back and hesitate? I’m already behind him. If I have to wait for him to come back out before I dare to step in, shouldn’t I feel ashamed? Wait for me to emerge victorious!”

With the help of the staff, Qiao Liang walked into another shipping container with his head held high.

However, less than two minutes after he entered, Ruan Guangjian emerged from the other side.

The staff immediately walked forward to congratulate him. “Congratulations! You’re the first brave person to successfully make it through ‘Haunted House Nightmare’! This is proof of your qualification to enter Ultimate Horror. Keep it well.”

Staff had been designated to observe the surveillance cameras inside the shipping containers throughout the process. They had to verify what the visitors did. Once the visitors became so frightened that they gave up, the staff also had to be prepared to rescue them.

Of course, the staff was the first to know that Ruan Guangjian had successfully completed his mission.

Qiao Liang’s fans’ stared wide-eyed at Ruan Guangjian with disbelief written all over their faces.

He passed?

Did... did that show that there was nothing horrifying inside? One could emerge victorious as long as they persevered?

Everyone gathered around Ruan Guangjian, taking turns to ask about the situation inside.

Ruan Guangjian smiled. “Actually, if I think about it carefully, there’s nothing scary inside. You would suffer setbacks sometimes, but you’ll be able to overcome them. Once you do, the sense of achievement you’ll feel would be incomparable!”

Everyone was in awe.


“Look at Brother Ruan’s expression. He seems fine!”

“Has Old Qiao not screamed even once since he went in?”

“Does that mean that it’s not that scary? Even someone as timid as Brother Ruan could persevere. We should be able to as well, right?”

“Wait, have you all changed your minds?”

“Just think about it. When Old Qiao emerges later, he would be so proud. He would surely mock and diss us in the group for being cowards! It’s fine if it was especially scary, but what if it was not? We would never be able to wipe our slate clean again!”

In the end, the most hesitant person in the group turned to Ruan Guangjian. “Big Boss, do you think... I’ll make it through?”

Ruan Guangjian patted his chest. “Don’t worry! Even someone as timid as me could make it through. You definitely will as well!”

That line gave everyone great courage. One by one, they queued up and waited to experience it for themselves.

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