Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 405 - How To Achieve True Peace

Chapter 405 - How To Achieve True Peace

Naturally, Pain wasn\'t happy with Tsunade\'s rejections and flared his chakra, causing the ground around him to crack.

"Don\'t be haughty; you are in front of a god."

Most people might have been shocked by Pain\'s display of power. Possessing chakra so dense that it could actually influence the surroundings was pretty much unheard of, but despite that, Tsunade only scoffed at Pain\'s show of force. After all…

"Ohh! That felt a little like the feeling you get when Yuna-sama is glaring at you, you know!"

"Now that you mention it, that\'s right, you know!"

"Yeah, but it\'s much weaker, isn\'t it?"

"Of course it\'s weaker. We are talking about Yuna-sama, after all!"

… compared to standing next to Yuna when she enters battle-junkie mode or seriously glares at someone, Pain\'s display meant nothing.

"No, you are the one who shouldn\'t be haughty, after all…"

Before the conversation could continue, an indifferent voice echoed over the Hokage tower, and moments later, a single woman fell from the sky and landed in between Tsunade and Pain.

Her right hand was balled into a fist as it smashed into the ground, while her right knee and left foot collided with the ground at the same time as her fist, causing cracks to spread all over the ground.

"… this great one just arrived."

"Ohh! That landing looked really cool, you know!"

"Damn, that was badass, you know."

"That looked like it would deal quite a bit of damage to the knee."

"Nah, there is no way Yuna-sama would do something so stupid."

With the banter of the Uzumaki clan in the background, Yuna stood up with a leisure smile on her that wasn\'t reflecting her genuine emotions at all.

\'F*ck me, that hurt like a bitch! What kind of idiot thought it was a good idea to land on your knuckle and knee after a hundred-meter drop!?\'


\'Do not answer that question!\'

Despite the pain coursing through her right knee and knuckle, Yuna looked at Pain with a confident smirk on her face.

"Seems like it is finally time to settle this, Nagato."

"Huh? Who the hell is Nagato?"

"Wasn\'t that guy\'s name Pain?"

"*Pss* You idiots, be quiet! Yuna-sama always sucked at remembering names, so you shouldn\'t make fun of that, you know! Do you want to get punished with no-ramen days!?"

"Aren\'t you the loudest one? I can clearly feel the exclamation mark after each of your sentences!"

Although Yuna heard the banter of the Uzumaki clan members, she decided to ignore all of it while casually making a note in her mind that someone won\'t be getting any ramen in the near future.

Surprisingly, as soon as that thought manifested in her mind, one of the people casually chatting with each other coughed out some blood, which Yuna decided must have been a coincidence.

Although Pain, or Nagato, was rather annoyed at how casually Yuna was using his real name, he decided not to bother about that right. Nonetheless, a look of annoyance appeared on his face when he met eyes with Yuna.

"Why? Why are you always getting in my way? Can\'t you see that you prevent true peace from arriving in this world? Can\'t you see that the peace the five shinobi villages created is a false peace that burdens the small countries surrounding them? This false peace is violence towards them, and only I can fix this problem."

Yuna pondered Nagato\'s words for a moment before chuckling in amusement.

"You truly don\'t get it, do you, Nagato?"

Naturally, Nagato was confused by Yuna\'s question. He didn\'t get it? What did he not get? Weren\'t his words the truth? Didn\'t the minor conflicts the five big shinobi villages had ultimately deal the most damage to the small countries surrounding them?

However, before Nagato could say anything else, Yuna continued talking.

"I simply do not care about any of that, Nagato. I\'m not a hero. I\'m not a saint. I don\'t care about the suffering of other people. I save those I want to save, and I ignore those I want to ignore."

Yuna\'s words shocked Nagato. In his mind, he always thoughts that Yuna was opposing him due to a clash of ideologies. He might be pretty jaded, but he could at least understand why people were fighting against the way he handled things.

Before Nagato could form a proper comeback, Yuna continued speaking.

"Do you want to know it, Nagato? The method to achieve true peace? In fact, from what I have experienced so far, there are a total of three methods to accomplish that goal."

Nagato\'s eyes widened in shock when he heard Yuna\'s words. She actually had not one but three methods to reach the goal he sought after for such a long time? Naturally, he couldn\'t believe that. Yet again, before he could issue his doubts, Yuna continued speaking.

"Hehe, the first one is actually the simplest one. Genocide. Human desires automatically cause conflict; thus, eradicating everything that possesses desires like greed and envy is the most secure path towards peace."

Nagato couldn\'t help but shiver in fear when he heard Yuna nonchalantly mention that killing every single human on the planet was a viable option for creating a peaceful world.

"The second option is getting rid of those desires from the start. A hive mind. Abolishing emotions for the sake of efficiency. Absolute mind control. I think you get the gist of it."

Yet again, Nagato shivered in fear as Yuna mentioned an option that somehow sounded even worse than the previous one.

"And finally…"

A nostalgic expression appeared on Yuna\'s face before she continued talking.

"… absolute power. Someone whose power is so unquestionably above everyone else that no one dares to start a conflict needs to appear. Someone so powerful that the mere thought of causing a conflict and ticking off that entity would cause shivers of terror to go down the spines of everyone involved needs to appear."

A wide smile appeared on Yuna\'s face as she was seemingly enveloped in nostalgic memories.

"True peace through absolute terror."

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