Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 68 The Goblins Bat Away

Destination... Red district

Elena\'s capture hold.

A force of fire whooshed into the bushes and Divanchi emerged, hiding behind a tree while spying on her targets.

Right in front of her was a dark-looking cave with two goblins patrolling the entrance with a long green spear in their hands.

"A Hobgoblin? I thought they were extinct." Divanchi whispered to herself as she continued to observe them.

"Hobgoblins? Where did they come from?" Orland raised a question, standing behind Divanchi as she also goggled at the cave.

"So it wasn\'t just me halusinating, our enemy managed to get hold of Hobgoblins," Divanchi uttered with an a keen grin on her face.

She clenched her fist and twisted to Orland, Divanchi could see six shadow wolves positioned behind him.

"Orland." Davanchi called out.

"Yes, milady".

"Can you handle the two hobgoblins for me?" She asked of him.

Orland peeked at the globins before diverting his attention back at Divanchi, "Yes I can, it shouldn\'t be any problem." He replied.

"Great, I on the other hand… have a special task to take care of." Divanchi voiced with a smile.

The Hobgoblins were patrolling the front of the cave, looking around to see if they could spot anyone.

They were red and wore rags as clothes, the same thing went for the hat they had on their head.

While they were both walking, one of the goblins heard a faint sound of something swarming around in the bushes.

The sound precautioned him, so he instantly stopped and went to check it out. Once he got close, he unfurled the leaves to see a small red bird playing inside.

"Racha Racha!" The goblin yelled and forcefully closed the bushes back.

He veered around and began walking away, but unknowingly to him, Orland whooshed out of the bush and twisted the goblin\'s neck with brute force.

The globin fell to the ground, releasing hold of his staff. The staff rebounded on the floor and suddenly blazed.


With no warning, the staff detonated, taking Orland with it. The entire area blew up which drew the attention of the remaining goblins in the area.

The goblins began to rush toward the explosion while shouting to call for more backup.

But as the goblins kept coming, so did Orland\'s shadow wolves. They attacked the goblins before they could get closer.

Orland stood up from the fire, "No wonder Lady Divanchi didn\'t want to battle you guys." He uttered.

A swirl of blue glowing strings rotated around Orland which immediately put off the flames on his body which he got from the explosion.

He warbled to the side and saw a red bird entering the cave and dodging all the fights that were happening.

"Good luck to you, I\'ll keep this busy here till you return." Orland voiced out.

A goblin managed to get past the wolves and was charging straight at Orland with his staff glowing.

Orland was still calm when he lengthened his right hand toward the goblin and said, "Shatter!".

Fast-moving blue glowing strings whooshed out from the ground and tied the goblin in mid-air before ripping the goblin apart with the sheer pressure of the strings.


Divanchi, who was in her bird form, had already entered the cave and was following the trail of flame touches.

She knew they had to lead somewhere, and the further she went the stronger she could feel Elena\'s magic.

Divanchi continued her advance while still in her bird form until she saw a bright light up ahead.

She immediately transformed back into her human form and began again on foot.

When she got close to where the light was glowing from, she was left stunned by what she saw.

Standing in the light area, were two giant elves, each holding huge wooden bat and surrounding the corner of the room.

It took Divanchi a while, but she finally caught a glimpse of what the elves were focused on.

Elena, seated on the floor and covered in blood, was being pushed to the wall by the huge elves.

"Stay back." Elena said, with no effort to make her voice be heard since she had no strengt1h to talk.

Just on the floor beside her, was the head of a goblin she had sliced off with her blade a while ago, which led to her current predicament.

The goblins growled at her, leaving Elena shaking in fear as their saliva trickled on her body

One of the huge goblins decided to take the initiative and reached out to grab Elena. Just when he did so, he switched his attention to the voice he heard behind him.

"Oi! You\'ve got some nerves." Divanchi voiced out with a foreshadowed look on her face.

The goblins turned their back on Elena and began to walk toward Divanchi.

Elena was on the brink of tears the moment she saw Davanchi.

"Lady Divanchi." Elena muttered with a tear rolling down her cheeks.

She sought to stand to her feet when suddenly, a green hands fudged from the ground and grabbed her.

As soon as the hand made contact with Elena, she screamed in shock as a flashback of when Selvin molested her began to occur in her head.

"Are you okay, Elena?!" Divanchi shouted, tilting her face to the side so she could get a good look at Elena.

"How… you…enter." One of the goblins voiced out, smacking his bat on the floor while he walked.

"Oh? So you speak? Interesting, you just made torturing you so much easier." Divanchi uttered with her usual smile on her face.

"You not demon or monster, you spirit! Be gone!" The other goblin shouted, tightening his grip on the wood before throwing it at Divanchi.

Divanchi snapped her fingers and fire consumed the wood in mid air, burning it into arches before it could get close to her.

"You ought to attack me better, geez." Divanchi sighed disappointedly, "Okay, then, let me show you what I meant….".

Four goblin hands wrapped on the ground below her and grabbed her legs.

Almost instantly, Divanchi fell to the knee, groaning in pain with her hands resting on her head.

"What…What the hell?!" Divanchi voiced out as she fought the pain she was feeling.

She managed to raise her head a bit and saw another elf merge from the ground with a small staff.

The elf had long pink hair and was wearing a white gown with a crown flower on her head.

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