Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 69 Damn You, Kuranashi!

"W…where am I?"

Opening her eyes slowly as the bright light of the heavens shines on her.

"Am I?"

The scenery of a woman wearing a red dress and a dark veil covering her face stood in her foresight.


Divanchi yelled, jerking up from the ground where she was lying. Glancing around her, she could see she was no longer in the cave where she wanted to reprieve Elena.

Where she was, had floating islands, and statues of giant Phoenix arranged in every area of the residents.

\'What\'s going on here?\' Divanchi thought to herself in confusion. She looked down at her hand and noticed the size was smaller than usual.

Curiosity got the better of her, so she looked to her left, at the stainless cup resting on the floor where she had just stood up from.

Darting at her reflection, Divanchi\'s eyes broadened in shock when she saw that she was in the body of a little girl, her younger self to be exact.

She had red flowers prettied at the side of her hair while she wore a white dazzling gown.

"What the actual… could I have…" Divanchi muttered, looking around intensively, "Somehow traveled 900 years back in time!" She shouted.

The sudden yelling caught the attention of the woman dressed in red, who was attending to another gathering of women.

"Please excuse me." The woman said to her peers before walking away and heading toward where Divanchi stood.

Divanchi was on her knees looking at the ground with a puzzled expression since she couldn\'t tell what was going on.

"Time travel? I don\'t have any skills like that.. do I?... Wait unless… did master give me… no no, he would have told me if he did." Divanchi muttered to herself while she racked her brain.

"Hey sweetie, are you alright?".

Divanchi immediately paused after she heard a soft feminine voice coming from behind her.

She slowly veered around to see who spoke, looking back she saw the beautiful woman, wearing a smile with her face slightly close to hers.

Divanchi stared at the woman with shock before tears rolled down her cheeks all while she didn\'t utter a single word.

"Oh, dear." The woman panicked from the sudden way Divanchi was crying, she went to her knees and placed her hand on Divanchi\'s head.

"Awwn, why is my beautiful daughter crying so early in the morning? Did you have a bad dream?" The woman asked.

Divanchi still had the same expression on her face, she immediately hugged the woman and began crying even louder.

"Mother!" Divanchi called out, "I\'ve missed you so much! I\'ve… missed you!." She sobbed even more.

After a while of crying, Divanchi calmed down and sat down on the chair closest to her.

The woman smiled as she looked at Divanchi, "You seem calm now, what did you mean by you missed me?" She asked.

Divanchi looked to the side, one finger on her cheeks as she tried not to make eye contact, "I…ehhh… had a bad dream." She uttered the first thing that came to her mind.

The woman was surprised but still smiling at how bad Divanchi\'s lie was, she moved closer to her and patted her head.

"You\'re still so little, yet you have the mind of an adult, I\'m proud of you… although, do not make a habit of lying." The woman said with a smirk.

"H..hai," Divanchi responded.

"And besides." The woman uttered before turning her back on Divanchi and walking to the front a bit, "Shouldn\'t you be saying that to your sister, she will be getting married to Kuronahshi remember…".

Divanchi\'s eyes widened in shock, "Mother… about that… ahhhh!" She screamed in pain when a sudden headache hit her before she could speak her mind.

Divanchi fell to her knees when the pain kept inflating, her head was on the ground as the pain intensified.

But after a while, the pain stopped and she was back to normal.

Looking up, she couldn\'t believe what she saw. The whole place was burning to the ground, like a war had just happened.

And standing in front of her, were six women who were standing alongside her mother.

"Mother…" Divanchi muttered.

The woman slightly looked at Divanchi and smiled, "Listen to me, Divanchi, run, go as far away as you can… only come back when the sky calls for it so… do you understand me?".

\'It\'s just like 900 years ago, I…I am living that exact moment… this is where.\'


Divanchi snapped out of her thoughts when she heard the cry of a girl coming from her Left.

She looked and saw a girl getting dragged by men with small scales on their faces and lizard-like eyes.

The girl was weeping as the men punched her face to the ground continuously till she was unable to fight back.

Divanchi stood there, watching as the devastation happened all around her while she battled the panic attack she was feeling.

"Lady Kira!"

Divanchi was hesitant but she looked to where the voice came from with tears rolling down her cheeks and she saw her mother.

Divanchi\'s mother was in her Phoenix form and was on the ground with her blood spewing from her throat as a black dragon bit it.

The dragon sucked the life out of the Phoenix, leaving the Phoenix to burn out and turn back to her human form.

The dragon did the same and transformed into a man with blue hair and blue sparkling eyes with blood painted on her lips.

With a smile, the man looked at Divanchi and smiled while using his thumb to clean the blood on his lips and licking it.

Divanchi watched and began panting heavily as the image of her mother dying was fixated on her mind.



Divanchi yelled and her body immediately shifted back to her normal height before she charged at the man right after transforming into a Phoenix.

She scattered everything in her path with fire burning intensively on her wings and her eyes glowing red as she approached the dragon.

"Damn you! Kuranashi!!!" Divanchi yelled with rage while the dragon just smiled with no hint of fear.

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